Thursday 5 May 2011


The needs... When we come out an idea,we need to think about the requirements...
A designer is about to design a new child's toy and he keeps the following requirements in mind:
* toughness
* attractiveness
* simplicity
* cheapness
Has the designer left any requirements out?


Combine all the ideas into a new idea...
Putting the idea of a Car into Aeroplane?
What can u get of this...

Remove Faults

Means to remove the bad things. In Chinese we call as“移除缺点”
These are some of the faults mentioned by a group of students who were looking at the local bus Service:
* They do not run often enough.
* The routes are badly planned.
* The fare is too high for short journeys.
* They are usually dirty.
* They do not run to the hospital.
* The drivers are usually very rude.
* There are too few stops.

Define The Problems

A supermarket had a problem because there was so much shoplifting that it was going to be necessary to raise the prices on merchandise. The problem was defined in the following ways:
* There is too much shoplifting.
* There are too many dishonest people around.
* Too many shoplifters are getting away with it.
* People think it is easy to shoplift here.
* Shoplifters do not know that there is a high risk of getting caught.
The definition "too many shoplifters are getting away with it" led to the installation of hidden detection devices and plain-clothes detec.
In Chinese we call this as "定义问题".Means to find out the problems...

Dominant Idea

When one is travelling along a main road it is not easy to notice the side roads. But in order to find new ideas, it may be necessary to escape from the main road, from the dominant idea.

Concept Challenge

Challenge When you challenge a concept, you are reall.

1. Why water do not have a shape?
2. Why we need oxygen to breath?
Challenge these concept to show that these is wrong.


1. Some students are very bored at school, and as a solution it is suggested that anyone may leave school after the age of 14 so long as he or she can read, write and do simple arithmetic.
Is this a good solution?
* it meets the desires of the students who want to leave.
* it meets the desires of the schools who may be glad to be rid of difficult students.
But what about the future needs of the students who leave, and the needs of society in general?
2. A town has a very bad traffic problem since there is only one bridge over the river and all the traffic has to use it.

Random Input

Random You cannot get new ideas by looking harder at the old ones, so you bring in something which is random or unconnected with the situation.

Use a toilet to think about how to solve Cancer Problems...

Stepping Stone

A stepping stone is something you move on to, not because you want to stay there but because you want to get somewhere else.
 In Chinese,we call it 跳板


Judgement When you judge something to be true or right you say: "yes".
When you judge something to be untrue you say: "no".
When you are unsure, you can say "may"

1. Five plus Six Equal to Eleven.
2. Japan will win the World Cup.
3. Malaysia will be the host for Olympic 2020.
Determine the answer for each question,and give the reason why u choose the answer...

The Subject Covers:

  • YES, NO & PO
  • Stepping Stone
  • Random Input
  • Concept Challenge
  • Dominant Idea
  • Define the Problem
  • Remove Faults
  • Combination
  • Requirements
  • Evaluation

Edward de Bono

Edward de Bono (born 19 May 1933, in Malta) is a physician, author, inventor, and consultant. He is known as the originator of the term lateral thinking, wrote a best selling book Six Thinking Hats and is a proponent of the deliberate teaching of thinking as a subject in schools.

Cort IV

Creativity is always fun and highly motivating to the people involved. This sense of fun should be kept throughout CoRT 4, but at the same time creativity is a serious matter. The purpose of creativity is to arrive at an effective new idea, not to offer some bizarre gimmick.